So What is Quantum Healing?

It's a pathway to transformation that will enable you to harness your personal energy and use it to bring about real change in your life. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Let's dive in.

Quantum Healing, in its simplest form, is about tapping into your body's inherent wisdom to promote healing and transformation.

It utilizes principles from quantum physics - don't worry, you won't need a physics degree, just an open heart and a willingness to explore.

So, why should you care about Quantum Healing? Here's why:

  1. Embrace Your Inner Power: We all possess a certain vibrational energy. Quantum Healing helps you become aware of this energy, enabling you to tune in, harness it, and use it for your benefit. Imagine being able to channel your energy to ignite creativity, promote healing, or manifest your deepest desires. It's like discovering a hidden superpower!

  2. Find Peace and Balance: Life can be a rollercoaster ride with its ups and downs. But what if you could find a sense of balance amidst the chaos? Quantum Healing allows you to reach a state of inner calm and peace. By focusing on your energy and understanding its dynamics, you can navigate life's storms with grace and resilience.

  3. Promote Physical and Emotional Healing: Quantum Healing recognizes that your physical and emotional well-being are interconnected. By harnessing your personal energy, you can promote healing on all levels - physical, emotional, and mental. It's like having a natural, internal pharmacy!

  4. Foster Personal Growth and Transformation: Quantum Healing isn't just about solving problems; it's about growth and evolution. It helps you understand yourself better, overcome limiting beliefs, and unlock your potential. As you harness and direct your energy, you're not just surviving; you're thriving!

  5. Connect with the Universe: Quantum Healing also nurtures your spiritual well-being. It brings about a profound sense of connectedness - with yourself, others, and the universe at large. As you tap into your energy, you start to realize that you're part of a grand cosmic dance, fostering a sense of unity and oneness.

So, how can you start this quantum journey?

The first step is to believe - believe in your inner power, your potential to heal, and your ability to manifest your deepest desires. Begin with an open mind and heart. Meditation, mindfulness, and energy-focused practices are good starting points. Remember, the journey is as unique as you are.

QuantumLeap Healing is an invitation - an invitation to embark on a transformational journey, uncover the magic within, and step into the highest version of yourself.

Will you accept the invitation? The choice is yours, beautiful soul.

Welcome to a world of infinite possibilities- My name is Julie Anna Bishop and for over a decade, I have assisted thousands of multi-passionate souls in transforming their own trauma, fears, and limiting beliefs into their personal and professional power.

Working with me, a QuantumLeap Healer and Coach, you will learn to give yourself full permission to embrace all of your magnificence and share your magic so that you can unapologetically live your truth. Your superpower is your super sensitivity, it is not the weakness you have been led to believe by those who don’t understand the big picture.

My superpower is teaching you how to connect with your own inner wisdom so you can access your gifts- the part of you I already see- so you can boldly step into your power and passion.

Your intuitive wisdom has all the answers, I simply serve as your facilitator - guiding you and your superconscious to the places within and empowering you to access everything that makes you uniquely qualified to shine and reclaim parts of you that have been silenced by fear, rejection, or loss. Without having to relive the trauma or loss, we simply talk to the parts of you that were silenced or are not functioning to their full potential and give them a safe container to flourish.

As a multi-passionate empathic soul, #1 international best-selling author, artist, mother, and energy healer, I know what it’s like to have fear, trauma, loss, rejection, and cruelty hold me back. I also know what it’s like to be a multi-passionate soul with many paths and the frustration of not knowing which to focus on. I was told I had to pick one thing to focus my energy on until I realized it is more than okay to be fully expressed.

What is possible when you trust your whole self, listen to your intuition, and put that knowledge, energy, and time into action is nothing short of magical.

It’s time you create your most joy-filled, meaningful, and passion-blessed life.

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About My Quantum Healing Journey


Hi Beautiful, so grateful you are here. I’m an QuantumLeap Coach, International Bestselling Author, Healer, and mother of two. Beyond those titles, I am a multi-passionate soul who has triumphed over trauma and tragedy and who loves to empower others to do the same while living in alignment with their truth.

My personal journey of transformation began as an adolescent having to navigate a rape, suicide attempt, and the deaths of multiple family members and friends all before turning 21. At this young age, I was keenly tuned into the pain and brevity of life. I spent considerable time contemplating life’s big questions of why am I here, do I have a purpose, and can I make a difference with the life I have?

And with good intention, I set out to see the world and experience firsthand what makes a difference in the young lives of inner-city youth whose everyday life I had the privilege of avoiding in my white middle-class upbringing. I saw vast differences, injustices, and commonalities. It opened my heart and mind, never to be the same again.

After graduation from college, I somehow slipped into a life more fitting to society’s expectations of me. Before I knew it, I had somehow managed to climb a corporate ladder - creating interiors for affluent adults with Alzheimer’s. I was the mother of two children and a wife- a modern-day superwoman who was burning the candle at both ends to take care of everyone else’s need to the detriment of my own.

After three wake-up calls from the Universe, I sought a more simple, meaningful, and fulfilling life. Stepping down from VP of a Corporate design firm, I started a sustainable residential design firm. Shortly thereafter, I began an online store for organic and sustainably made products. Having moved with my then spouse and our children to rural New England in search of answers, simplicity, and healing, this seemed manageable. But, while eliminating some stressors, I still had the same habits, limiting beliefs, and stubbornness. On the outside, I appeared to have everything. On the inside I was continuing to struggle with overwhelming numbness and a feeling that there must be more to life and somehow I was missing it.

Determined, I searched for more answers. At the Omega Institute, spiritual teacher Debbie Ford taught me life-saving skills - how to activate, access, and trust my inner wisdom. She gave me the key to my void - me and my connection to my higher self. The source within each of us is a game-changer and I regained my self-esteem, my access to joy, and my passion. As I learn to work with this inner knowing, it has enabled me to face any challenge, roadblock, or form of sabotage. It enables me to take courageous action even when I am terrified.

I began to study with her and other leaders - received multiple certifications as massage therapist, integrative life coach, business coach, energy healer, and sacred geometry practitioner. As my own healing began to increase my self awareness and self-worth, I left my toxic abusive marriage of twenty years, let go of my new home, and started over. I had to embrace a new beginning for myself and my children. All three of us eventually thrived.

After co-authoring two Amazon best-selling books, I authored an Amazon international bestseller, Thrive Anyway, guiding thousands on their journeys back to themselves after heartbreak. It was through the shadow work with Debbie Ford, training at the institute for transformational leadership, and the quantum healing work of Garry A. Flint, Ph.D. that I was able to transform outdated beliefs and past traumas into empowering confidence and courage, that I was liberated. I continue on the journey of growth, a wonderful path of learning, teaching, and expanding on what I have been taught which lead to the creation of QuantumLeap Healing.

Everything I have learned and all the various aspects of myself, my interests, and my passions have informed and enabled me to coach, mentor, create and inspire thousands from around the world. And most recently my journey led to start a nonprofit to empower abuse survivors to sustainably thrive.

As a highly intuitive coach, my superpower is to see the very highest version of your soul. I help you access the core of who you are and take you on a journey of discovery into the deepest places to remove the obstacles and blocks that are hiding your brilliance so you can be free to be you.

It’s all in there waiting for you to rediscover and reclaim. Allow me to show you where to look. One of my greatest joys is to empower you on how to connect with your inner wisdom so that you may learn to own your value and magnificence. I will guide you out of your head, into your heart to connect with the beauty, power, and authenticity of your soul. It’s your turn to rise and shine!

What People Are Saying


“I was hungry for the depth of compassion and insight she brings to everything she does!”

— Anaelisa Vanegas


“As a result of working with Julie… I was able to move through my fear and use it to traverse the red tape of my government offices in order to resolve issues with my official papers.”

— Elizabeth Carmelino García


“Surviving a divorce is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. I have managed to remain whole and even begin to thrive thanks to Julie’s gentle guidance”

— Jean Chapin


“I learned that all of my ups and downs and worries and doubts are perfectly normal, and that I should allow myself to feel them and not try to stuff them down.  I need to accept exactly where I'm at in the process… let it go, let it be...."

— Kristen Batey

Courage to be you comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

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Julie’s History

Julie Anna Bishop, SUNY Purchase 1991, Sociology/Photography.  Formerly recognized leader in the field of universal and sustainable interior design; creating healthy, sacred interiors and product design. Now a recognized and certified Master Integrative Coach specializing in mindset and empowerment, she trained for several years with spiritual leader and nine time New York Best Selling Author, Debbie Ford, supporting high-profile clients in embracing the shadow self and sourcing deep self-compassion.

Julie is currently a client-proclaimed “kick-ass coach”, empowering multi-passionate individuals that have gone through major life transitions, trauma, and adversity to reclaim their power, brilliance, and passion. She utilized her multiple certifications as a Business Coach, Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Energy Healing, Artist, Photographer and Sacred Geometry healer - to further inform her coaching techniques as she views herself as a multi-passionate, multi-dimensional soul.

Julie experienced the gift of receiving and surrendering- she used the depth and connection of her inner strength to transform all the chaos, pain, and struggle that came from leaving a domestically abusive marriage, transcending a temporary inability to work, and facing homelessness into a thriving life. In addition to her coaching practice, in 2019 she founded a non-profit, Walnut Woods Organization, which empowers survivors, who have experienced the devastating impact of domestic violence, to thrive mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, sexually and financially through natural and holistic programming. 

Her first book, Thrive Anyway: You Can Heal Your Heart; How to Recover from 9 Stages of Grief, Manage Stress Relief, and Create Healthy Relationships became a #1 International best seller on amazon in 2015 along with contributing to two Amazon Bestsellers, The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude, "The Power of Choice" page 225 and Opportunities for Growth 347, and The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating Motherhood, "Life is Richer" page 71 and "A Mom to Many", page 162.

Julie was a public radio-show host in Massachusetts - her show, “Organically Sexy” was pre-podcast interviews of top sustainability experts. She was highlighted as a Master Mindset Business Coach by New York Times best-selling author, Michael Port’s tele-festival, "Book Yourself Solid Amplified." In addition, Julie was acknowledged for her contribution to New York Times best-selling author, Debbie Ford's ninth book, Courage: Igniting Self-Confidence.