
It’s Your Turn to Rise & Shine

Learnings, teachings, musings, and tips & tricks for multi-passionate souls such as yourself to reference during challenging moments, stressful workdays, and magical manifesting of your true self.

Julie Anna Bishop Julie Anna Bishop

Heart Wisdom

I grew up being taught to search for all my answers outside in the world, when in fact, each of us have all the answers we need to our questions within us. Since I spent a good two decades of my life doing just that, seeking answers externally, this has significant importance in my life. Ironically, while searching outside of myself, I attended a workshop in which we spent a large amount of time learning the importance of “going inside” – closing your eyes, dropping down from your head to your heart and asking your soul for the answers, not your mind.

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Julie Anna Bishop Julie Anna Bishop

Setting Healthy Boundaries

A boundary is a benefit for both parties. It is a means of self-respect and compassion. Boundaries create peace of mind and freedom. If you value your needs and set a healthy boundary, you are empowering the other person to take responsibility for themselves and their needs as well. You can be compassionate at the same time as clear, direct, and firm.

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Julie Anna Bishop Julie Anna Bishop

How to Handle Toxic Relationships with Grace

Notice how you feel when you are around the person whom you either suspect or know is toxic. Create boundaries if they are important enough that you don’t want to exclude them from your life altogether. For example how much time you are willing to spend. How much contact you want to have when you don’t see them. And Know it is okay if you do want to exclude them. You get to determine who you spend time with and how much exposure you can handle while remaining sane.

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Julie Anna Bishop Julie Anna Bishop

Letting Go of Old Habits

It may seem easier to cling to what is known and feels comfortable, but from my own experience that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Letting go of what no longer serves you, what you have grown beyond, is exactly what needs to take place in order to create space for the magic of new beginnings.

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Julie Anna Bishop Julie Anna Bishop

Change Matters

If the world wasn’t changing, staying the same would be a no-brainer. However, everything is always changing. Change may be the only constant that you can count on. As long as we have established that fact - create purposeful change that matters. Want to live a life that you are proud of - then choose to make a difference with your life.

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Julie Anna Bishop Julie Anna Bishop

Failure is an Opportunity

If you are alive, you have likely failed at something you have set out to do. Does this failure stop you in your tracks and have you hide under your cover for weeks on end? It can. But more likely, you either tried to fix what went wrong, approached the issue a different way, or went back to the drawing board. In all those scenarios you likely used your failure to learn something.

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Julie Anna Bishop Julie Anna Bishop

Say Yes To Living Your Truth

I thought I was listening to my soul when I traveled cross country in a Volkswagen van with my then-husband. We were young, in love, and seeking our true paths. I decided on that journey I wanted to go back to school to be an artist - to write, paint, weave, play with clay and use my hands to create.

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Finding the Gems in Your Journey

Our gifts sometimes are so obvious to others but come so natural, we actually don’t see them as gifts. Let’s talk about your passions, pitfalls, and path to discover your super powers and how to use them to create a legacy.